my data set looks like this:
Meeting Date | Year | Company | Attending Person |
25may2011 | 2011 | A | Bob |
25may2011 | 2011 | A | John |
25may2011 | 2011 | A | Peter |
25may2011 | 2011 | A | Seth |
25may2011 | 2011 | A | Marina |
25may2011 | 2011 | A | Rachel |
14nov2011 | 2011 | A | Bob |
14nov2011 | 2011 | A | John |
14nov2011 | 2011 | A | Peter |
14nov2011 | 2011 | A | Seth |
14nov2011 | 2011 | A | Marina |
14nov2011 | 2011 | A | Rachel |
Of course there are many companies (about 2.000). Usually there is one meeting per company per year. Some companies had more than one meeting in a year. What I would like to do, is to delete all meetings that took place earlier in a year, if in that year more than one meeting took place. For my example above, that means deleting all observations with meeting date = 25may2011, but only for company A.
Please help me out! Thanks!
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