I am assessing the relationship between a binary outcome variable and a 4-category variable (cat_boy_ful) while controlling for potential co-variates/confounders using logistic:
logistic cancer i.cat_boy_ful refage i.race_c4 i.ocmos_c i.num_full_c
and then assessing if there is a linear trend using contrast
contrast p.cat_boy_ful, noeffects
The ORs from the logistic model are:
cancer | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
cat_boy_ful |
1 | 1.158866 .1314434 1.30 0.194 .9278688 1.447372
2 | 1.485356 .2044201 2.87 0.004 1.134189 1.945253
3+ | 1.374283 .2647452 1.65 0.099 .9421038 2.00472
and the results of contrast are:
| df chi2 P>chi2
cat_boy_ful |
(linear) | 1 3.89 0.0487
(quadratic) | 1 1.27 0.2590
(cubic) | 1 1.49 0.2224
Joint | 3 8.73 0.0331
indicating a significant linear trend at the cutoff of 0.05.
A reviewer of the paper questioned this because the OR for the 3+ category is less than that of the 2 category (1.37 vs 1.49).
Can someone help me understand and respond to this reviewer?
Thank you!
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