Hello I am trying to do a graph with two different yaxis. The problem is that the difference between labels in the yaxis is different for the two axis even though the two axis are specified to have 10 unit spaces across labels.
This is the code I use:
twoway bar fac_summ group, barwidth(0.8) fintensity(20) lcolor(navy) yscale(alt) || scatter chmtr0706 group, yaxis(2) lpattern(dash) connect(direct) msymbol(circle) mcolor(navy) lcolor(navy) yscale(alt axis(2)) ytitle("Fraction of personal income taxpayers (in %)", height(4) orientation(rvertical)) ylabel(0(10)50, nogrid) title({bf:2006 Reform: 2007-2006 difference}, size(medium) color(black)) xlabel(1 "0-4" 2 "4-14" 3 "14-26" 4 "26-46" 5 ">46") xtitle("Net taxable income in 2006 (in thousands of €)", height(4.5)) ytitle("Mechanical change in marginal net of tax rate" "on financial income (in %)", height(7) axis(2)) yline(0, axis(2) lcolor(cranberry) lwidth(thin)) yline(-10 -20 -30 -40 -50, axis(2) lcolor(black) lpattern(dot) lwidth(thin)) legend(order(2 "Mechanical change in marginal net of tax rate" 1 "Fraction of personal income taxpayers") rows(2)) graphregion(color(white))
I would like to have 0 in the left axis at the same level than 50 in the right axis. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you very much.
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