Hello! I am new to stata and am investigating the relationship between paid leave (maternal and parental) and female labour force participation rates with OECD paneldata. Literature that has also investigated this relationship uses a FE model with year dummies and country-specific time trends and find an inverse u-relationship. Unfortunately, I find different results and struggling with the fit of my data.

I have done multiple tests where I have found out that i should include year dummies, trends and clustered SE (due to heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation) and that I should rely on a FE, rather than a RE model.

When doing:
xtset cou_1 year
xtreg flfpr2554 moth_leave moth_leave_2 i.year i.cou_1#c.t, fe i(cou_1) vce(cluster cou_1)
nlcom _b[moth_leave]/(2*-_b[moth_leave_2])

adopath ++ "m:\p_arbeid\p_betaald_verlof\SSC install"
utest moth_leave moth_leave_2
(129 missing values generated)

Specification: f(x)=x^2
Extreme point: 538.5394

H1: Inverse U shape
vs. H0: Monotone or U shape

| Lower bound Upper bound
Interval | 0 198
Slope | .0351557 .0222303

Extremum outside interval - trivial failure to reject H0
I get a weird extreme point and graphing the result also shows that it is probably not the best fit
graph twoway (scatter flfpr2554 moth_leave) (function y=[44.7195]+x*[.0351557]+x^2*[-.0000326], range(0 800))

When not including year dummies and trends, my fit seems better.

use "m:\p_arbeid\p_betaald_verlof\Data\Stata files\7-1-regressions-2018", clear

xtset cou_1 year

gen moth_leave_2 = moth_leave*moth_leave
xtreg flfpr2554 moth_leave moth_leave_2, fe i(cou_1)
nlcom _b[moth_leave]/(2*-_b[moth_leave_2])

adopath ++ "m:\p_arbeid\p_betaald_verlof\SSC install\"
utest moth_leave moth_leave_2

Specification: f(x)=x^2
Extreme point:   138.853

     H1: Inverse U shape
 vs. H0: Monotone or U shape

                 |   Lower bound      Upper bound
Interval         |           0              198
Slope            |    .4256187        -.1813002
t-value          |    12.05258        -2.726574
P>|t|            |    3.16e-31         .0032678

Overall test of presence of a Inverse U shape:
     t-value =      2.73
     P>|t|   =    .00327

the u-test (presence of u-shape) becomes insignificant when clustering at country-level.

use "m:\p_arbeid\p_betaald_verlof\Data\Stata files\7-1-regressions-2018", clear

xtset cou_1 year

gen moth_leave_2 = moth_leave*moth_leave
xtreg flfpr2554 moth_leave moth_leave_2, fe i(cou_1) vce(cluster cou_1)
nlcom _b[moth_leave]/(2*-_b[moth_leave_2])

adopath ++ "m:\p_arbeid\p_betaald_verlof\SSC install\"
utest moth_leave moth_leave_2

. utest moth_leave moth_leave_2
(129 missing values generated)

Specification: f(x)=x^2
Extreme point:   138.853

     H1: Inverse U shape
 vs. H0: Monotone or U shape

                 |   Lower bound      Upper bound
Interval         |           0              198
Slope            |    .4256187        -.1813002
t-value          |    3.384718        -.6482774
P>|t|            |    .0008667         .2604597

Overall test of presence of a Inverse U shape:
     t-value =      0.65
     P>|t|   =       .26

However the tests did say I should include those and my r-squared goes down drastically when doing so.
Model 1 is a naive OLS model, 2 a fixed effectsmodel without trends and year dummies, 3 is a fixed effects model with year dummies, 4 a fixed effects model with year dummies and trends, 5 is the same as 4 but with SE clustered at the country-level.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
VARIABLES flfpr2554 flfpr2554 flfpr2554 flfpr2554 flfpr2554
moth_leave_div 16.1989*** 42.5619*** -13.2572*** 3.5156** 3.5156
(3.0404) (3.5313) (2.7618) (1.5361) (3.0979)
moth_leave_div_2 -7.3050*** -15.3262*** 7.1199*** -0.3264 -0.3264
(1.4861) (2.3920) (1.6326) (0.9886) (1.7249)
Constant 46.6809*** 52.0218*** 47.3923*** 44.7195*** 44.7195***
(4.8106) (1.1491) (1.9779) (0.9649) (2.0572)
Observations 863 863 863 863 863
R-squared 0.3828 0.2037 0.7314 0.9618 0.9618
Specification Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic
Method LPM FE FE and year dummies FE and year dummies FE and year dummies
Controls NO NO NO NO NO
Clustering NO NO NO NO YES
Number of cou_1 37 37 37 37 37
Standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
When including controls (GDP, female unemployment rate, childcare costs, birth rate), the problem stays the same and I lose a lot of observations as the data is not available for the same nr. of countries/years.

What do you think when seeing this? I do not know which model to go for or how to explain these results.

Thank you in advance