Hi stata community. I really need help. I have a long panel T=17 and N=8(countries). These are the steps I applied

xtreg y x1 x2, fe
est store fe
xtreg y x1 x2, re
est store re
hausman fe re, sigmamore

The test was significant. Which meant FE model is applicable. 

However, since the results were not consistent with the literature, I carried out the following diagnostic tests:
xtreg y x1 x2, fe
xttest2 (For cross sectional dependence)
xttest3 (For heteroscedasticity)
xtserial y x1 x2 

The model had all 3 problems.

To remove the problem I applied the xtgls command, i.e.,
xtgls y x1 x2, panels(hetero) corr(ar1)
Could someone please tell me if this is correct? And how do I proceed from this?