Dear Statalists,

I have sucessfully used regexm to search for one string (a diagnose code, for example "I33.0") among many observations in a variable (called "diagnosis").
I created a new variable (endocarditis) that is given the value 1 if there was a match.

replace endocarditis = regexm(diagnosis, "I33.0")

Now I want to do the exact same thing, but instead of searching for one string, I want to search for many strings (I33.0", "I33.9", "B37.6").
If there is a match on any of these diagnose codes, I want the new variable "endocarditis" to be given the value 1.

The strings I want to search for are stored in a variable ("X") in the same dataset.

I would very much appreciate if I could get help to loop regexm to search the variable "diagnosis" for each observation in "X".

I want the data to look as follows:
X diagnosis endocarditis
I33.0 A367 B12.3 B37.6 1
B37.6 C45.6 0
I33.9 S536 F6349 0
Thankful for any help on this matter
Niko Vähäsarja
Karolinska Institutet