I am interested in calculating the minimum detectable effect (MDE) using non-parametric power simulation on an existing dataset with a fixed, pre-existing assignment to a binary treatment that I cannot alter. Imagine I have a dataset with some people that are assigned to treatment and control, but treatment has not happened, so there should be no systematic difference between the two groups. My understanding is that I can see what effects I am powered to detect by looking at the 95% confidence interval around the null effect. I should expect that any effect greater than this confidence interval would be detected by our study.

Below I have calculated that interval first using a regression and also through simulation of that regression. The 95% CIs for the treat coefficient are very similar: [-.023, .072] and [-0.024,0.073], respectively.

0) Does this seem like a reasonable procedure?
1) Is one of these intervals better to use? Why aren't they identical?
2) Am I correct that this design should be able to detect anything outside outside that CI?

Stata code:
set seed 10011979 

/* Regression Approach */
sysuse nlsw88.dta, clear
gen log_wage = ln(wage)
gen treat      = runiform()>0.5
tab treat
reg log_wage i.treat, level(95) robust
save "my_nlsw88.dta", replace

/* Sumulation Approach */
capture program drop my_nlsw88_reg
program my_nlsw88_reg, rclass
    version 16.0
    use "my_nlsw88.dta", clear
    bsample 2246 // obs in original dataset
    reg log_wage i.treat, robust
    return scalar lift = _b[1.treat]

simulate lift = r(lift), reps(10000) dots(10000) saving("mde_sim.dta", replace): my_nlsw88_reg
sum lift, meanonly
local mean = r(mean)
_pctile lift, percentile(2.5 97.5)
return list
di "MDE is " %-9.3f r(r1) "to " %-9.3f r(r2)