Hi everyone,
I have been trying to create a matrix of List's MHT adjusted p-values that I get after running the mhtexp command but I can't seem to be able to do so. Please would you help me find the mistake? Something is probably wrong with the specification of the matrices in the last line.
gen Treat1=0
replace Treat1=1 if incentivize==1
replace Treat1=2 if spillover==1
replace Treat1=3 if spillovercontrol==1
mhtexp $Demographics, treatment(Treat1)
matlist results
matrix define D == results
matlist D
local i=0
foreach var in $Demographics {
local i=`i'+1
display `i'
forvalues j=1(1)8{
local j = [(`j'-1)*3 +1]
display `j'
matlist D
matrix A = J(8,2,.)
matlist A
mat A[`i', 1] = mat D[`j', 1]
mat A[`i', 3] = mat D[`j', 3]
Thanks a million,
kind regards,
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