Legend for a Graph
Hello, I made a graphic and now I want to add a legend. the points have the name of the job group, the legend should now show which number has which group. I have used the following code for the graphics:
egen meanMH = rowmean(h_scsf4a h_scsf4b)
egen mean = mean(meanMH), by(h_jbsoc00_cc)
egen wanted = group(mean h_jbsoc00_cc)
labmask wanted, values(h_jbsoc00_cc)
tabdisp wanted, c(mean)
gen negmean = -mean
egen wanted2 =group(negmean h_jbsoc00_cc)
labmask wanted2, values(h_jbsoc00_cc)
tabdisp wanted2, c(mean)
scatter mean wanted2
scatter mean wanted2, mlabel(wanted2) mlabangle(90) mlabposition(12) mlabgap(5)
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