I'm trying to substitute ylabels with mlabels, but can't get the mlabels to sort in the same way as the ylabels.
I know how to do this "manually" using
margins, saving()
A small example that replicates my problem:
ssc install coefplot sysuse lifeexp, clear encode country, gen(c) keep if c<20 reg lexp i.c if c<10 //my data consist of two categories margins c, post est store m1 reg lexp i.c if c>9 margins c, post est store m2 coefplot m1 m2, sort mlab(c) nooffset //ylabs are correct, mlabels incorrect (se image below) coefplot m1 m2, sort mlab(c) nooffset ylab("") //this is my preferred outcome, but I need the mlabels to be correct
I would very much appreciate your help.
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