Hello world

I'm working on a code to make a graph, and it keeps getting in trouble.

It`s a panel data from OECD

It's a problem with the addplot and I'll write down the code below.

Main Problem is ) required r(100)

. xtline empl_r, overlay /// 
>         plot1opts(recast(line)lcolor(red)connect(ascending)cmissing(n)) ///
>         plot2opts(recast(line)lcolor(black)connect(ascending)cmissing(n)) i(location) t(time) ///
> addplot((scatter empl_r time if tick ==1, mcolor(lime) msymbol(point) mlabsize(small) mlabel(emp_name) mlabcolor(red)) ///
>                 (line unemp time, yaxis(2) connect(ascending)) ///
>                 (scatter unemp time if time == 2018, mlabcolor(gray)mlabsize(small)msymbol(point)mlabel(unempN)) ///
>                 (scatter unemp time if time == 2018, mlabcolor(blue)mlabsize(small)msymbol(point)mlabposition(12)mlabel(unemp)) ///
>                 (ytitle(emp(%), placement(north) size(vsmall))) ///
>                 (ylabel(, labels labsize(small) valuelabel)))
) required
I really dont know What is my problem.

Thank you for your help