Dear all,
I have a list of countryname and countrycode, as follow:
countrycode countryname
004 Afghanistan
008 Albania
012 Algeria
108 Burundi
191 Croatia
212 Dominica
233 Estonia
300 Greece
360 Indonesia
388 Jamaica
918 European Union
927 Euro Area
WLD World
LMC Lower Middle Income
I would like to add another variable regionalcat to identify if an observation is a country (0) or country group (1).
In this case, country groups have countrycode beginning with numeric 9 or letter (alphabet).

I tried using this code

gen regionalcat = .
gen regionalcat1 = substr(countrycode,1,1)
egen regionalcat2 = sieve(regionalcat1), keep(a)
capture assert regionalcat2 == regionalcat1
// if there's no alphabet
if _rc{
  // identify if the first character is "9"
    egen regionalcat9 = sieve(regionalcat1),omit(9)
    capture assert regionalcat9 == regionalcat1
    if _rc {
 // if the first character is 9
    replace regionalcat = 1
    else {
// if the first character is numeric 012345678
    replace regionalcat = 0
// if there's alphabet
else {
replace regionalcat = 1 
However, this code returns value 0 for all observations in regionalcat, can anybody help me? Thank you