Dear Stata users,

I have a question about data management. Data example is as below. Suppose we have two variable, -abbr- is abbreviation of country name, and the corresponding -name- is full name of country. For some practical purpose, I want to insert values of variable -name- into variable -abbr- as new rows. Thus, the result should be as the second code below. I cannot find a soultion by resorting to command -expand- or -stack-, is there some one would help me? Thank you.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str3 abbr str20 name
"AD" "Andorra"            
"AE" "United Arab Emirates"
"AF" "Afghanistan"        
"AG" "Antigua and Barbuda"
"AI" "Anguilla"            
"AL" "Albania"            
"AM" "Armenia"            
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str20(abbr name)
"AD"                   "Andorra"            
"Andorra"              "United Arab Emirates"
"AE"                   "Afghanistan"        
"United Arab Emirates" "Antigua and Barbuda"
"AF"                   "Anguilla"            
"Afghanistan"          "Albania"            
"AG"                   "Armenia"            
"Antigua and Barbuda"  ""                    
"AI"                   ""                    
"Anguilla"             ""                    
"AL"                   ""                    
"Albania"              ""                    
"AM"                   ""                    
"Armenia"              ""                    