Dear all,

Apologies if this is very basic, however I have spent the better part of a day going through the manuals and online forums with little progress.

I am trying to run a very simple bootstrap on a dataset. The data set has 3 variables; orgcode - group - perf

My ideal aim is:
  1. For each value of group - calculate the bootstrapped SD and IQR values
  2. Save the estimated values for that group to a unique file - my ultimate aim being to append all the files
  3. Move onto the next value of group
I am trying to execute the following code:

use dataset
drop if total<100
keep if standard=="Test"
keep if year=="2018"
drop year standard proportion total
rename withinstd value1
rename without value0
reshape long value, i(orgcode type) j(perf)
drop if value==0
expand value
drop value
egen group = group(type)
drop type

program boot, rclass
        collapse perf, by(orgcode group)
        sum perf if group==`x', d
        local sd = r(sd)
        local p25 = r(p25)
        local p75 = r(p75)
        return scalar sd = `sd'
        return scalar iqr = `p75'-`p25'

forvalues x = 1/14 {
bootstrap r(sd) r(iqr), reps(1) saving(data_`x', replace): boot
Running this code yields:
invalid syntax
an error occurred when bootstrap executed boot

There are only 14 groups which are defined and dont change, so I could conceivably just manually type the bootstrap sequence out per group and go from there, but for the sake of elegance I wanted to know how to use a loop to accomplish the same thing.

Many thanks for your time,