clear input str7 index int data "EOSQ041" 42 "EOSQ041" 13 "EOSQ049" 17 "EOSQ049" 210 end save "my_dataset", replace
I tried the following script, but I get an error on the rename command.
local index_considered EOSQ041 EOSQ049 local index_considered_name public_trust transparency_gov_policimaking forvalues n = 1/`: word count `index_considered'' { clear use "my_dataset" keep if index == word("`index_considered'", `n') rename data word("`index_considered_name'", `n') }
local index_considered EOSQ041 EOSQ049 local index_considered_name public_trust transparency_gov_policimaking forvalues n = 1/`: word count `index_considered'' { clear use "my_dataset" keep if index == word("`index_considered'", `n') local name word("`index_considered_name'", `n') * display `name' rename data `name' }
(Note: I'm using two independent local macros: one for the indexes, one for their user-friendly name. I think it would be more elegant to use one unique 2-dimensional macro, but I'm not sure it's possible with Stata...)
Additional question: what if I now want to save my subset? The following doesn't seem to work neither
local index_considered EOSQ041 EOSQ049 local index_considered_name public_trust transparency_gov_policimaking forvalues n = 1/`: word count `index_considered'' { clear use "my_dataset" keep if index == word("`index_considered'", `n') save "dataset_`word("`index_considered_name'", `n')'", replace }
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