I need help grouping/creating variables based on string matching. For each patient, they get a new row for each diagnosis. I want to group the diagnosis by drug. So if they have any sort of cannabis diagnosis, either 1 or multiple related to cannabis, I want a variable that outputs a binary 1 for cannabis. If they don't have any cannabis diagnosis, the variable will have a 0.

I generated new variables based on specific drug using
gen byte cannabis = strmatch(ldiagnosis, "*cannabis*")
This isn't doing what I want because there are still multiple rows per patient. I want each patient to have ONE row with all newly created drug variables having either a 0 or 1. Is this possible and how do I do it!

How it is:
PatientID Diagnosis
1 Cannabis dependence, unspecified
1 Cannabis dependence, uncomplicated
1 Cannabis abuse
1 Cocaine abuse
1 Opioid abuse
2 Cocaine abuse
2 Cocaine dependence
2 Cannabis dependence, unspecified
2 Alcohol abuse
What I want:
PatientID Cannabis Cocaine Opioid Alcohol
1 1 1 1 0
2 1 1 0 1