I have two folders with exactly similar file names inside them. I would like for these files to be appended with each other.

For example, interview__33 from Folder v2 should be appended with interview__33 from Folder v3.

I used this codes:

global v3 "C:\Users\lm2\Desktop\Raw Files\20190816"
global v2 "C:\Users\lm2\Desktop\Raw Files\v2"
global temp ""C:\Users\lm2\Desktop\Raw Files\20190816\temp"

cd "$v2"
local dta: dir . files "*.dta"
foreach f of local dta {
use "`f'", clear
append using "$v3\`f'"
save "$temp\`f'", replace

The error is: r(601);
File C:\Users\lm2\Desktop\Raw Files\20190816 not found