Basically, in a longitudinal sample, I want to identify firms that experienced a high decrease in sales (set decrease=2), low decreases (set decrease=1), no decrease (set decrease = 0), taking into account 5 years. To make things more complicated, I want to consider as "no decrease" also the firms that experienced just one decrease year-on-year, since one decrease may happen accidentally, so I need a variable to count how many times, in the five years, growth happened).
Thanks for taking the time to help me
foreach i of firm { forvalues year=(2009(1)2013) { gen decrease`i'=2 if max(sales_growth`year,i')< -4 //decrease 2 == HIGH DECREASE: max decrease of the i-th firm with respect to 2008 larger than 4% replace decrease`i'=1 if max(sales_growth`year,i')> -4 & max(sales_growth`t')< 0 //decrease 1 == LOW DECREASE: max decrease the i-th firm with respect to 2008 between 0 and 4% generate countgrowth`i'=0 replace countgrowth=countgrowth`i'+1 if (sales_growth`year,i')> 0 //I check how many times sales_growth of the i-th firm was positive } replace decrease`i'=0 if countgrowth`i'>3 //if a firm's sales growth was always positive, countgrowth schould be 5, if only one decrease occcurred, it should be 4, we're good with both, since one accidental decrease may happen }
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