Hello. I am trying to perform multiple imputation in my dataset using mi impute chained.
The dataset has three exposure variables, e.g. smoking at time 1, smoking at time 2, and smoking at time 3. I generated 4th exposure variable: smoking at any time. All exposure variables are binary variables (0 vs 1).
gen smoking_any=0 if smoking1==0 & smoking2==0 & smoking3==0
replace smoking_any=1 if smoking1==1 | smoking2==1 | smoking3==1
smoking1 smoking2 smoking3 smoking_any
1 0 . 1
0 0 . .
0 1 . 1
. . 1 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
. 0 0 .
0 0 . .
My question is how to impute "smoking_any".
When I include all four exposure variables in the imputation model, it always says ".... predicts data perfectly" or "convergence not achieved".

If I impute "smoking_any" separately from the other three variables, it looks like the prevalence of smoking at any time would be overestimated.

Can I use passive imputation approach after I impute smoking1, smoking2, and smoking3? But it is said that "this method is actually a misspecification of your imputation model and will lead to biased parameter estimates in your analytic model".

Thank you very much.