Hi everyone,

I have a dataset (example below) with participants (newID) with repeated assessments (assessmetnumber_mom).
At the moment I have different variables with values of air pollution (nox no2 so2 pm10 pm25) linked with each participant's assessment number. However, as you can see from the data, there are some assessments from certain participants, that have double entries (e.g. newid ==3 & assessmentnumber_mom == 4). This occurs when an assessment links with more than one station.

I was wondering if there was a way to clean this up, so that I can xtset newid assessmetnumber_mom?
In order to xtset, I need time values to not repeat within the panel.

So I was hoping someone could help me write a little code that will essentially collapse it so that assessmentnumber wouldn't repeat within newid, and the values used for nox, no2, so2, pm10, pm25 would be from stations that are closest (station_dist).
Unless the station that is closest is missing values for nox etc, then we would take the values from the next closest station with data for that particular variable. Again, this only applies to any assessmentnumber_mom that is repeated within the newid.

I hope that explanation made sense.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float newid byte assessmentnumber_mom float(nox no2 so2 pm10 pm25 station_dist)
 1  1         .         .        . 18.084675        .  376.0912
 1  7         .         .        .         .        .  382.2666
 1 28         .         .        .         .        .  403.9746
 1 37  43.73418  25.41927        . 14.848184        . 246.90134
 1 40 75.427376  44.90638        . 16.270956        .  374.7404
 2 11 106.80772  62.87104        .         .        .  762.7279
 2 12 112.92995  67.08012        .   26.2029        .  802.1494
 3  4         .         .        . 38.027218        .  344.7251
 3  4         .         .        . 16.666666        8  475.2111
 3  4 286.94693 130.54869        .         .        .  583.1505
 3  7         .         .        .  22.76697        .   343.571
 3  7  48.41096 37.183594        . 24.166666       19  476.3834
 3  7  283.5309 103.05334        .         .        . 585.21094
 3 10         .         .        . 18.018301        .  343.4341
 3 10   70.1522  45.29737        . 18.333334       15  476.4892
 3 10 279.87088 103.24223        .         .        .  584.1655
 4  2         .         .        .         .        .  497.9222
 4  2         .         .        .  13.62939        .  613.6534
 4  2         .         .        .         .        .  879.3113
 4  8 21.422083 17.471247        .         .        . 541.43115
 5  1  41.56973 23.795845        .         .        .  726.7238
 5  2  32.17558 26.352877        .         .        .  425.2608
 5  2  51.30429  37.76747        .         .        .  544.9822
 5  2         .         .        .         .        .  636.3493
 5  2  323.7943  127.2185        .         .        .   723.741
 5  2 28.954447 25.240583 .4618737       6.1      1.7  881.4661
 5  3 28.272594 21.247633        .  8.331725        .   699.782
 5  3  88.04765  39.61359        .         .        .  768.3689
 5  3 138.61273  41.45645        . 14.360738        .  788.3668
 5  4 24.470724 18.035574        . 15.925012        .  707.0011
 5  4  253.4162  104.3492        .         .        .  774.2448
 5  4  339.3024 121.02203        . 22.265076        .  793.9699
 5  6 17.371136    15.184        .  14.39047        .  700.2661
 5  6  154.3172 72.555595        .         .        .  767.7214
 5  6 183.92203   74.9819        .  23.23394        .   787.509
 5  8  39.79601 24.318106        .         .        . 112.25172
 5 10  88.99467  49.65458        .         .        .  728.5635
 5 13 130.59662   62.8964        .         .        .  728.5645
 5 14 122.33813  67.46895        .         .        .  728.9645
 5 15  85.43049  50.78779        .         .        .  720.8805
 5 17   169.961  68.87522        . 19.775017        . 278.54712
 5 17 128.46432  61.67989        .         .        . 279.74945
 5 17   23.2405 17.878544        . 14.342655        .  318.5034
 5 18  52.89682  30.46095        .         .        .  725.3632
 5 20  95.29588  46.79621        .         .        .  729.1621
 5 22  60.15305  31.37036        .         .        .  750.0762
 5 24 25.966944  20.16592        .         .        .  729.7242
 5 25  49.47787  29.94457        .         .        .  729.5167
 5 27  98.57767 73.390564        .         .        .  730.7002
 5 28         .         .        .  49.70063        .  645.0485
 5 28         .         .        .         .        .   654.584
 5 28   52.2173  33.13985        . 10.211782        .  705.0042
 5 29  29.66978   23.4106        .         .        . 139.15396
 5 29 291.86035 128.46022        .         .        . 279.69025
 5 29         .         .        .         .        .  710.6941
 5 30  45.71644  35.49867        .         .        .  722.7138
 5 31 36.448616  21.18038        .         .        .  725.6688
 5 34  93.48952  56.04883        .         .        .  728.6742
 5 39 75.040955  69.82591        .         .        .  730.3483
 5 41  32.42201  29.11511        .         .        .  726.4184
 6  8  68.45207   46.6601        .  41.77623        .  873.7449
 6  8 146.84546  62.51266 3.786868  75.36232        .  991.9138
 7  5  36.81419 30.426615        .   20.8691        .  665.9031
 7  7 37.309532  20.50972        .         .        .  333.2551
 7  7         .         .        .  52.37954        .  793.5005
 7 10 249.71664  43.28142        .   22.9726        .  667.7828
 7 12  55.39602  43.89196        .   13.9478        .  666.4618
 7 23  41.66542   31.7812        .   8.16926        .  664.5731
 8  1  20.46082 17.299208  1.27046        12      3.3 148.19496
 8  1   61.2718 37.412823        .         .        .  645.0388
 8  1         .         .        .         .        .  679.2554
 8  3  60.40278  39.93179        . 36.173912        .  666.3252
 8  3         .         .        .         .        .  922.3167
 9  2 267.18054  63.27314        .  21.25604        . 193.94772
 9  2  45.16195  23.35582        .         .        .  319.4671
 9  2         .         .        .         .        .  319.4671
 9  2 155.59195  51.59244        . 16.425121        .  498.9487
 9  2         .         .        .         .        .  758.9029
 9  2         .         .        .         .        .  758.9029
 9  2         .         .        .         .        .  758.9029
 9  2   379.481  49.58115        .         .        .  773.4932
 9  2         .  77.01171        .         .        .  773.4932
 9  2         .         .        .    12.625 5.416038  773.4932
 9  2         .         .        .         .        .  773.4932
 9  2  366.7388  94.58247 10.30484         .        .  776.4487
 9  2         .         .        .   18.1454   9.1356  776.4487
 9  8  28.87299 16.979662        .         .        . 601.14594
 9  8 271.75128 114.10789        .         .        .  877.1158
 9 26  93.01839  45.56152        .         .        .   334.951
 9 26  68.57392  43.61274        .         .        .  502.7753
10  1  69.11068  41.41973        . 18.333334        4  335.0561
10  1         .         .        .  56.31644        .  890.0833
10 17         .         .        .         .       12  469.4398
10 17 215.25996  88.63956        .         .        . 541.94775
10 17 139.48439 67.097244        .         .        .   666.077
10 17  92.13503 64.397194        .         .        .  820.5405
11  2 23.512854 18.783354        .    29.352        .  416.3487
11 42         .         .        .      24.2      9.8  788.7758
12  1         .         .        .         .        .  865.0882
12  1 282.57446  87.94126        . 22.500805        .  867.7262
Any help would be appreciated!

I feel like this might have a simple solution, but I can't think of it at the moment.

Kind regards,