I am investigating the effect of a health-information warning on the purchases of several food categories.
I have a panel data of around 2M observations of the weekly households' purchases in 6 food categories, including prices and quantities in each purchase.
The period consists of 1 year before the warning and 2 years afterward.
In addition, I have demographic features of each household, such as income level, education, etc.
To infer causality, I am estimating a diff-in-diff model against a control category.
Because my data is censored at 0, I'm running a Tobit model with a lower limit of 0.
I also added interaction terms with the demographic features (all are dummy variables) to see how the response varies with household characteristics.
I am using Stata 15.1.
The command I run:
tobit gweight ///
((ib2.iclass#i.iprod_class)##i.after)##i.low_incom e ///
((ib2.iclass#i.iprod_class)##i.after)##i.russian_i mg ///
((ib2.iclass#i.iprod_class)##i.after)##i.high_educ ///
((ib2.iclass#i.iprod_class)##i.after)##i.elementar y_educ ///
((ib2.iclass#i.iprod_class)##i.after)##i.periphery ///
if week_id > 201444 & week_id <= 201747 ///
, ll(0) vce(cluster panelist_id) noomit noemptycells
- gweight is the quantity (in grams) purchased by household i in week t from category c
- ib2.iclass#i.iprod_class is the 6 "test" categories, where the "control" category is omitted
- after is a dummy variable that equals to 1 after the warning and 0 otherwise
- low_income, russian_img, high_educ, periphery - are all demographic dummy variables
I ran the exact Tobit command on the very same data many times before and it worked perfectly fine and returned results.
But now, when I try to rerun it, I get a weird error saying "function returned error" and the model is not estimated.
If that might help, I've noticed that if I only run the command with 4 demographic interactions instead of 5 it works fine (no matter which demographics)
But as mentioned above, it worked fine before with 5 and even 7 demographics.
No Stata updates were installed during the period since the last time it ran fine (which was about 5 days ago).
I tried to close Stata and reopen it, but the error remains.
I also looked for previous posts dealing with that kind of problem and encountered the following post, which seems to resemble my problem,
but, unfortunately, remained unsolved.
I'd greatly appreciate any assistance here,
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