Hi Everyone,
I am conducting research on panel data, set with xtset command on STATA.
xtset company_id fiscalyear
panel variable: company_id (unbalanced)
time variable: fiscalyear, 1992 to 2018, but with gaps
delta: 1 unit
Now when I run xtreg to find the regression results, I am having trouble determining the R2 and Adjusted R2 figures that regular regression outputs generate. My xtreg output is following:
xtreg PMP holder30 holder67 age sex
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 25,025
Group variable: company_id Number of groups = 2,202
R-sq: Obs per group:
within = 0.0010 min = 1
between = 0.0114 avg = 11.4
overall = 0.0018 max = 26
Wald chi2(4) = 43.75
corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
PMP | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
holder30 | .0156001 .0156502 1.00 0.319 -.0150738 .0462739
holder67 | .0460581 .0133362 3.45 0.001 .0199197 .0721966
age | -.0021195 .0006194 -3.42 0.001 -.0033336 -.0009054
sex | .0428783 .0295993 1.45 0.147 -.0151353 .1008919
_cons | .0325781 .0445875 0.73 0.465 -.0548119 .119968
sigma_u | .08218976
sigma_e | .68331747
rho | .01426107 (fraction of variance due to u_i)
Is there any command or something I need to do to find the the R squares?
Thanks in advance!
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