Hello All,
I have a panel dataset of 15 countries and I have interacted a variable of governance with expenditure using two-staged least-square
ivregress 2sls lexp lnUPop Corp c.lgexp#c.Corp (lnGDP= laglexp laglnUPop)
I used Lincom to obtain the overall effect of expenditure
lincom lexp + c.lexp#c.Corp
lincom lghexp + c.lghexp#c.Corp
( 1) lghexp + c.lghexp#c.Corp = 0
lnLE Coef. Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
(1) .0383044 .0107792 3.55 0.000 .0171774 .0594313
However, I need help getting the overall effect one standard deviation below the sample mean score and above it.
