I am trying to examine the likelihood of migrants live in different regions. my reference category is small city. The issue is that when I run mlogit, rrr for refugee for living in metropolitan areas is greater than 0 but when I run margin it is negative. how come it is possible? if I interpret mlogit, I could say refugees are more likely to live in metropolitan areas than small cities but according to margin they are less likely. any comment?
result of mlogit Rural Larger cities Metropolitan cities
Migrant category rrr rrr rrr
Family 0.782*** 1.51*** 1.554***
Labor 0.463*** 8.804*** 5.452***
Refugees 0.402*** 1.731*** 1.135***
margin result
dy/dx std. err. z P>z [95% conf. interval]
Migrant category
Family 0.0580 0.00189 31 0 0.054901 0.062308
Labor market 0.116 0.002734 42.5 0 0.110729 0.121444
Refugees 0.0380 0.002784 -11.5 0 -0.037444 -0.026529