Dear all,
I calculated two proprtions based on 50 multiply imputed datasets and received the following output:
. mi estimate, post: proportion aces_exp1, over(sex)
Multiple-imputation estimates Imputations = 50
Proportion estimation Number of obs = 607
Average RVI = 0.0174
Largest FMI = 0.0272
Complete DF = 606
DF adjustment: Small sample DF: min = 582.52
avg = 591.04
Within VCE type: Analytic max = 599.55
| Normal
| Proportion Std. err. [95% conf. interval]
aces_exp1@sex |
Never/rarely Male | .6100332 .0285005 .554057 .6660094
Never/rarely Female | .5622876 .0284572 .5063996 .6181756
Sometimes/often Male | .3899668 .0285005 .3339906 .445943
Sometimes/often Female | .4377124 .0284572 .3818244 .4936004
I want to statistically compare two proportions: ".3899668" vs. ".4377124" and did not find the informaiton from "mi estimate" manual.
Your input is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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