Hello, I am making changes to a data file then saving under a different name. The file with the new name "demo_working" is not being saved in the same directory (I don't know where it is being saved) from which I took the original file "DEMO_CHARGE_RAW_jm"
Below is my code. When I open up the demo_working file in the folder "jm_working" it is not saved with the changes that I made.
Any suggestions?
use "/Users/u0521032/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-UniversityofPittsburgh/LeaRRn-Jake/jm_working/DEMO_CHARGE_RAW_jm.dta", clear
format %16.0f PAT_ENC_CSN_ID // format enc id
rename *, lower // all lower case
capture drop dos_rc //making into usable date
gen dos_rc = date(orig_service, "DM20Y")
format dos_rc %td
keep pat_enc_csn_id - race visit_number dos_rc
sort pat_enc_csn_id visit_number dos_rc
order visit_number, after (pat_enc_csn_id)
capture drop n_1
by pat_enc_csn_id: gen n_1 = _n
keep if n_1 == 1
save demo_working, replace /// removed payment variable
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