
I am trying to use the ixaxes iyaxes and imargin options for byopts in this twoway histogram plot but Stata keeps giving option not allowed error. Could somebody please help me with why this is happening? I am using Stata 17.

mylabels 0(0.02)0.08, format(%04.3f) clean local(labels)
twoway (histogram speed if winter_2020==1, by(cityname_corrected, note("") ixaxes iyaxes imargin(large)) yla(`labels') color(blue%40) subtitle(, fcolor(white) lstyle(none))) ///        
       (histogram speed if winter_2020==0, by(cityname_corrected, note("") ixaxes iyaxes imargin(large)) yla(`labels') color(yellow%60) subtitle(, fcolor(white) lstyle(none))), ///   
       legend(order(1 "Jan to March 2020" 2 "April to June 2020" ) region(lstyle(none))) ysize(5) plotregion(lcolor(white))
option ixaxes not allowed