First of all I just want to say that the etable command is a wonderful addition to Stata.. I'm trying to label the coefficient, p-value, and confidence interval but nothing happens. I guess I was assuming a column would appear after the variable name Is there a workaround for this?

. sysuse auto
(1978 automobile data)

. qui regress price mpg foreign

. est store e1

. qui regress headroom mpg foreign rep78

. est store e2

. * start fresh and recode equations
. etable, est(e1 e2) eqrecode(price = xb headroom = xb) ///
>      cstat(_r_b, label("Beta")) cstat(_r_ci, cidelimiter("-") label("95% CI"))  cstat(_r_p, nformat(%5.3f) label("p-value") ) varlabel

                               price             headroom     
Mileage (mpg)                      -294.196             -0.049
                       [-405.242- -183.149] [-0.086-   -0.012]
                                      0.000              0.010
Car origin                         1767.292             -0.495
                        [371.217- 3163.368] [-1.023-    0.034]
                                      0.014              0.066
Repair record 1978                                       0.126
                                            [-0.114-    0.367]
Intercept                         11905.415              3.763
                       [9595.164-14215.667]  [2.813-    4.712]
                                      0.000              0.000
Number of observations                   74                 69