
I'm confused with the definition of %e format.

I'm doing IV regression for panel data.
I used xtreg for model a, xtivreg for model b and ivreg2 (with liml) for model c.

My initial regression results were-
HTML Code:
. esttab a b c, star (* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) compress nogaps mtitles, using myfile1.csv

                 (1)          (2)          (3)  
                   a            b            c  
ln_SDric~d   0.00273      0.00363       -0.171***
              (0.99)       (0.71)      (-5.19)  
ln_SDwhe~d  -0.00433***  -0.00532***   -0.0301***
             (-3.01)      (-2.96)      (-5.43)  
stpop      0.0000180*   0.0000196*   0.0000334*  
              (1.79)       (1.94)       (1.93)  
scpop      -0.0000358*** -0.0000341*** -0.0000697***
             (-2.74)      (-2.62)      (-2.93)  
totallit   0.00000704*   0.00000629*   -0.0000310***
              (1.90)       (1.66)      (-3.47)  
totalagri   0.000115***  0.000115***  0.000305***
              (7.42)       (6.94)       (6.65)  
_cons          0.180***     0.180***     1.329***
              (9.89)       (5.49)       (6.28)  
N                870          861          861  
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Then I thought of changing the format-
HTML Code:
. esttab a b c, se(3) r2(3) b(3) star (* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) compress nogaps mtitles, using myfile2.csv

                 (1)          (2)          (3)  
                   a            b            c  
ln_SDric~d     0.003        0.004       -0.171***
             (0.003)      (0.005)      (0.033)  
ln_SDwhe~d    -0.004***    -0.005***    -0.030***
             (0.001)      (0.002)      (0.006)  
stpop          0.000*       0.000*       0.000*  
             (0.000)      (0.000)      (0.000)  
scpop         -0.000***    -0.000***    -0.000***
             (0.000)      (0.000)      (0.000)  
totallit       0.000*       0.000*      -0.000***
             (0.000)      (0.000)      (0.000)  
totalagri      0.000***     0.000***     0.000***
             (0.000)      (0.000)      (0.000)  
_cons          0.180***     0.180***     1.329***
             (0.018)      (0.033)      (0.212)  
N                870          861          861  
R-sq                                    -2.911  
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Then to overcome zeros, I used-
HTML Code:
. esttab a b c, se(%10.7e) r2(3) b(3 3 %10.7e %10.7e %10.7e %10.7e 3) star (* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) compress nogaps mtitles, using myfile3.csv

                 (1)          (2)          (3)  
                   a            b            c  
ln_SDric~d     0.003        0.004       -0.171***
           (2.748e-03)    (5.076e-03)    (3.286e-02)  
ln_SDwhe~d    -0.004***    -0.005***    -0.030***
           (1.437e-03)    (1.797e-03)    (5.545e-03)  
stpop      1.802e-05*   1.959e-05*   3.339e-05*  
           (1.009e-05)    (1.008e-05)    (1.734e-05)  
scpop      -3.578e-05*** -3.409e-05*** -6.974e-05***
           (1.307e-05)    (1.303e-05)    (2.381e-05)  
totallit   7.037e-06*   6.294e-06*   -3.096e-05***
           (3.706e-06)    (3.790e-06)    (8.920e-06)  
totalagri  1.153e-04*** 1.148e-04*** 3.052e-04***
           (1.553e-05)    (1.655e-05)    (4.590e-05)  
_cons          0.180***     0.180***     1.329***
           (1.821e-02)    (3.276e-02)    (2.118e-01)  
N                870          861          861  
R-sq                                    -2.911  
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Then again-
HTML Code:
. esttab a b c, se(%8.7e) r2(3) b(3 3 %8.7e %8.7e %8.7e %8.7e 3) star (* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) compress nogaps mtitles, using myfile4.csv

                 (1)          (2)          (3)  
                   a            b            c  
ln_SDric~d     0.003        0.004       -0.171***
           (2.7e-03)    (5.1e-03)    (3.3e-02)  
ln_SDwhe~d    -0.004***    -0.005***    -0.030***
           (1.4e-03)    (1.8e-03)    (5.5e-03)  
stpop        1.8e-05*     2.0e-05*     3.3e-05*  
           (1.0e-05)    (1.0e-05)    (1.7e-05)  
scpop       -3.6e-05***  -3.4e-05***  -7.0e-05***
           (1.3e-05)    (1.3e-05)    (2.4e-05)  
totallit     7.0e-06*     6.3e-06*    -3.1e-05***
           (3.7e-06)    (3.8e-06)    (8.9e-06)  
totalagri    1.2e-04***   1.1e-04***   3.1e-04***
           (1.6e-05)    (1.7e-05)    (4.6e-05)  
_cons          0.180***     0.180***     1.329***
           (1.8e-02)    (3.3e-02)    (2.1e-01)  
N                870          861          861  
R-sq                                    -2.911  
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
I needed journal-styled tables compatible with Excel/Word.

So here, what is the exact work of %w.de?
%w.de displays numeric values in exponential format.
w records the width of the format.
d records the number of digits to be shown after the decimal place.
Here I didn't quite understand how it works.
Say results from %8.7e & %7.6e the same?
