Hi everyone

I wanted to let you know about some new Stata seminars that we're running in August through the Institute for Statistical and Data Science (Instats), including a 'structured program' called From Regression to Longitudinal SEM in Stata that includes 3 of these seminars packaged together. As always at Instats, PhD students get large discounts and the structured program provides a 10% discount on all of the seminars.

In case it's of interest, I also offer free weekly Office Hours that often cover Stata for anyone (especially PhD students) with questions that fit the hour's topic. For example, see this week's on Longitudinal Data Models. Spaces for these office hours are very limited so check back often through the Instats seminars page by clicking the 'Free Office Hours' tab.

Any help in spreading the word about what we're doing at Instats would be most appreciated!
Best wishes and thank you for this great community!

Michael Zyphur
Institute for Statistical and Data Science