I want to label a list of variables using the same labels as another list of variables. In the table below, I want to
1) first label journal1-4 using the first columns (successful in my code (1))
2) then write a code to "copy" journalname1-journalname4 to the second variable list (or directly label the variables aboutjournal1-4 with the same labels)
journal1 journal2 journal3 journal4 aboutjournal1 aboutjournal2 aboutjournal3 aboutjournal4
journalname1 journalname2 journalname3 journalname4 - - - -
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
*** code (1)
unab varlist : journal1-journal4 
foreach v of local varlist {
    local value = `v'[1]
    local vname = strtoname(`"`value'"')
    rename `v' `vname'
    label var `vname' `"`value'"'
How can this be done simply?