Hi there. I'm new here and I want to discuss a problem with my dataset. I'm using Stata 16.1.

I have the following dataset, which I want to reshape from wide to long to use it as panel data. The problem I have right now is that I don't know how to completely reshape it, given that the dataset has more than 100 variables for each year. All variables included here end up with the tag "_w01-_w02-_w03-_w04" as I show in the following example:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double idencuesta int(c01_w01 c01_w02 c01_w03 c01_w04 t01_w01 t01_w02 t01_w03 t01_w04)
1101011    1 2    1    1    1 1    5 4
1101012    1 1    3    2    3 4    4 4
1101013    1 1    5    2    3 1    4 3
1101021    1 3    1    2    3 3 -888 3
1101022    2 2    .    .    2 4    . .
1101023    1 4    1    1    2 3    1 1
1101032    3 1    1    2    3 4    3 4
1101033    3 3    2    1    3 3    3 3
1101041    1 1    1    1    2 2    2 2
I'm not sure how to proceed with reshaping all variables at once, can you help me? Thanks in advance.