My data is panel data and I am trying to merge these two data sets on common variable "Ticker" and I ran the code while having "Industry Data" file loaded

 merge m:1 Ticker using NetIncome
But its throwing me an error saying "variable Ticker does not uniquely identify observations in the using data".

I also tried the below code but it comes with the same error

 merge 1:1 Ticker using
Although I think the correct function should be
merge m:1
in this case

Net Income data

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str9 Ticker int Year long Yr_
"TH:2S"  1994        .
"TH:2S"  1995        .
"TH:2S"  1996        .
"TH:2S"  1997        .
"TH:2S"  1998        .
"TH:2S"  1999        .
"TH:2S"  2000        .
"TH:2S"  2001        .
"TH:2S"  2002        .
"TH:2S"  2003        .
"TH:2S"  2004        .
"TH:2S"  2005        .
"TH:2S"  2006    34020
"TH:2S"  2007    55390
"TH:2S"  2008   112840
"TH:2S"  2009    91864
"TH:2S"  2010    71431
"TH:2S"  2011    64980
"TH:2S"  2012    52643
"TH:2S"  2013    68031
"TH:2S"  2014    41898
"TH:7UP" 1994        .
"TH:7UP" 1995        .
"TH:7UP" 1996        .
"TH:7UP" 1997        .
"TH:7UP" 1998        .
"TH:7UP" 1999        .
"TH:7UP" 2000        .
"TH:7UP" 2001    84000
"TH:7UP" 2002   301429
"TH:7UP" 2003  -123386
"TH:7UP" 2004   178368
"TH:7UP" 2005   179860
"TH:7UP" 2006    67330
"TH:7UP" 2007   146175
"TH:7UP" 2008   125678
"TH:7UP" 2009   126637
"TH:7UP" 2010    66485
"TH:7UP" 2011  -625090
"TH:7UP" 2012   962232
"TH:7UP" 2013    58762
"TH:7UP" 2014  -214396
Industry Data

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str9 Ticker str7 Sector str23 Industry str3 Board
"TH:2S"     "STEEL"   "Industrials"             "SET"
"TH:7UP"    "ENERG"   "Resources"               "SET"
Thank you in advance for your help !