esttab works fine to give me the N but estimates tab won't give me any thing with the stats option
. estimates tab rncomm, stats(N)
Mata object __000003 already existsr(110);

*** esttab can give me the N
. esttab rncomm

satjob2_10~t -0.373*

_cons 92.59***
N 59
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

*** estimates tab works fine with no options
. estimates tab rncomm

Variable | rncomm
satjob2_10~t | -.37328843
_cons | 92.594583

*** estimates tab thinks the syntax is fine
. estimates tab rncomm, stats()

Variable | rncomm
satjob2_10~t | -.37328843
_cons | 92.594583

**** Why?
. estimates tab rncomm, stats(N)
Mata object __000003 already existsr(110);

. version
version 17.0