Dear all,
I have a dataset of people who have lost their employment during the period 2019-2021.
I have variables about the year of dismissal (Year_Dismissal) and various individual characteristics: Sex, Age, Education. Moreover, a dummy variable concerning whether or not each individual has found a new job within 6 months from dismissal is also available (Found_New_Job).
I would like to build a table in which, by year, for each individual characteristic is reported the percentage of fired people who have found a new job within 6 months (Fonund_New_Job)
Roughly, the table should look like this:
2019 2020 2021
Male 40% 41% 50%
Female 30% 35% 40%
15-34 45% 40% 37%
35-54 36% 46% 60%
>=50 40% 41% 50%
No formal education 45% 40% 37%
Primary 36% 46% 60%
Secondary 40% 41% 50%
Tertiary 30% 35% 40%
I should then export this table to a word document.
I would really appreciate any suggestion.
Thank you