Hi all. I have a question regarding the coefficient for the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) when using psmatch2 in comparison to “teffects psmatch”.

I’m running matching models to estimate the impact of a binary treatment, existence of dry law in a municipality (“lei_seca”), on the outcome “turnout”. I’ve used both psmatch2 and teffects psmatch to do the analyses.

psmatch2 lei_seca pop_urb_perc ln_child_mort_census10 poor_perc_census10 eleitores_analf_perc ln_r_pib_per_cap idhm coal_pres ideo_na pol_pi, outcome(turnout) neighbor(1)
teffects psmatch (turnout) (lei_seca pop_urb_perc ln_child_mort_census10 poor_perc_census10 eleitores_analf_perc ln_r_pib_per_cap idhm coal_pres ideo_na pol_pi, probit), nneighbor(1) atet
Whereas teffetcs psmatch presents a coefficient for the ATT, psmatch2 presents means for Treat, Control, and the Difference.

Question: Is the “Difference” from psmatch2’s output equivalent to the ATT’s coefficient when running teffects psmatch?

I need to be 100% sure about that.

Thank you.