Hey dear Stata-Users!

I have a question regarding xtreg: I run a regression model with different dependet variables, which should be in one table at the end.

*regression 1, outcome_wage of all, column 1

xtreg log_wage_all share_forISIC log_nremploy log_salesworker $countrycontrols if F1c_OwnershipStructure==0 & F1i_MainSector==2, fe i(F1p_SectorGroup) robust cluster(F1p_SectorGroup)
outreg2 using OLS9, title (OLS Estimation (dependent variable: log average wage)) ctitle(all workers) stats(coef pval) dec(3) label alpha(0.01, 0.05, 0.10) symbol(***, **, *) word replace addtext(CONTROLS, YES, FE, YES)

xtreg log_wage_all share_forISIC exp_dum exp_intact log_nremploy log_salesworker $countrycontrols if F1c_OwnershipStructure==0 & F1i_MainSector==2, fe i(F1p_SectorGroup) robust cluster(F1p_SectorGroup)
outreg2 using OLS9, title (OLS Estimation (dependent variable: log average wage)) ctitle(all workers) stats(coef pval) dec(3) label alpha(0.01, 0.05, 0.10) symbol(***, **, *) word append addtext(CONTROLS, YES, FE, YES)

* wage skilled 

xtreg log_wagetech share_forISIC log_nremploy log_salesworker $countrycontrols if F1c_OwnershipStructure==0 & F1i_MainSector==2, fe i(F1p_SectorGroup) robust cluster(F1p_SectorGroup)
outreg2 using OLS9, title (OLS Estimation (dependent variable: log average wage)) ctitle(skilled workers) stats(coef pval) dec(3) label alpha(0.01, 0.05, 0.10) symbol(***, **, *) word append addtext(CONTROLS, YES, FE, YES)

xtreg log_wagetech share_forISIC exp_dum exp_intact log_nremploy log_salesworker $countrycontrols if F1c_OwnershipStructure==0 & F1i_MainSector==2, fe i(F1p_SectorGroup) robust cluster(F1p_SectorGroup)
outreg2 using OLS9, title (OLS Estimation (dependent variable: log average wage)) ctitle(skilled workers) stats(coef pval) dec(3) label alpha(0.01, 0.05, 0.10) symbol(***, **, *) word append addtext(CONTROLS, YES, FE, YES)

* wage unskilled 

xtreg log_wageprod share_forISIC log_nremploy log_salesworker $countrycontrols if F1c_OwnershipStructure==0 & F1i_MainSector==2, fe i(F1p_SectorGroup) robust cluster(F1p_SectorGroup)
outreg2 using OLS9, title (OLS Estimation (dependent variable: log average wage)) ctitle(unskilled workers) stats(coef pval) dec(3) label alpha(0.01, 0.05, 0.10) symbol(***, **, *) word append addtext(CONTROLS, YES, FE, YES)

xtreg log_wageprod share_forISIC exp_dum exp_intact log_nremploy log_salesworker $countrycontrols if F1c_OwnershipStructure==0 & F1i_MainSector==2, fe i(F1p_SectorGroup) robust cluster(F1p_SectorGroup)
outreg2 using OLS9, title (OLS Estimation (dependent variable: log average wage)) ctitle(unskilled workers) stats(coef pval) dec(3) label alpha(0.01, 0.05, 0.10) symbol(***, **, *) word append addtext(CONTROLS, YES, FE, YES)

The Issue is the following: When I open the table in Word, dependent variables (in this case: log_wage_all) appear in the table as coefficients:


Does someone know, how to solve that? It only appears in the word output, but not in the Stata output. I mean I can delete it manually, as numbers are correct. But I would still be happy to solve it in the code.

Many thanks to everyone!