I'm currently working with some data that I need visualized over time since March 2020. I'm using labels for each month, but I'd like a second row of labels for year (under the "Jan" label). I've tried different ways, including using compound double quotes, which gets me halfway, but removed all the formatting I have on my text. I was wondering if there is any solution to this, or if I can simply superimpose a second x-axis (or rather t-axis).

If someone would know how to also add a different major tick type with the years that would also be excellent, preferably with a stronger line than what I have.

Here is a code example:

twoway (tsline test2, lcolor(black) lwidth(medthick) ) ///
    if(date >= 21975 & date <= 22646), /// 
    xtitle("", size (small)) ///
    ytitle("", size(small)) ///
    graphregion(margin(l+0 r+5 b+1 t+0 )) ///
    graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(color(white)) /// 
    title(" ") legend(label(1 "Test") label(2 "") label(3 "") label(4 "") label(5 "") label(6 "")  size(small) position(12) region(style(none)) row(2) ) ///
    note("I'd like to have useful labels on my tscale", size (vsmall)) ///
    yscale(range(1.05)) ytick() ymtick() ylab(1 "0%" 0.8 "-20%" 0.6 "-40%", angle(0) labsize(8pt) grid glcolor(gs15) glwidth(medthick)) ///
    tscale(range(21975 22464)) ttick() tmtick() tline() tlab(21975 "Mar" 22006 "Apr" 22036 "May" 22067 "Jun" 22097 "Jul" 22128 "Aug" 22159 "Sep" 22189 "Oct" 22220 "Nov" 22250 "Dec" 22281 `" "Jan" "2021" "' 22312 "Feb" 22340 "Mar" 22371 "Apr" 22401 "May" 22432 "Jun" 22464 "Jul" 22493 "Aug" 22523 "Sep" 22554 "Oct" 22585 "Nov" 22616 "Dec" 22646 `" "Jan" "2022" "', angle(45) labsize(8pt) grid glcolor(gs15) glwidth(medthick))
I realize that much of the code is superfluous to my question, but I think it might be illustrative.

The code above results in the following, which is unsatisfactory:

I don't know if I need to give any example data, but I gave it a shot here :

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input float(date test2)
21975 1.0330738
21976 1.0400368
21977  1.041943
21978 1.0437903
21979  1.047563
21980         .
21981         .
21982 1.0434924
21983 1.0361438
21984  1.023855
21985 1.0058279
21986  .9747817
21987  .9539434
21988   .948198
21989  .9342902
21990  .9226986
21991  .9090697
21992  .8922921
21993  .8776307
21994  .8595895
21995  .8510076
21996  .8451368
21997  .8458519
21998  .8423389
21999  .8490808
22000         .
22001  .8589349
22002   .863746
22003  .8683782
22004  .8776492
format %td date