as reported by the title, when I start my code I get this "Variable already Defined" error.
This error happens towards the final part of my code, precisely in here:
foreach x in ROE EBITDAVENDITE ROI TOTFATTVAR LEVERAGE DE TOTIMMVAR PFNEBITDA { forvalues i = 1/5 { gen p`x'`=2014+`i'' = `i'*(`x'`=2014+`i'' < .) } } foreach x in ROE EBITDAVENDITE ROI TOTFATTVAR LEVERAGE DE TOTIMMVAR PFNEBITDA { forvalues y=`=`YearN'-4'(1)`YearN' { gen n`x'`y' = p`x'`y'*`x'`y'Norm } } foreach x in ROE EBITDAVENDITE ROI TOTFATTVAR LEVERAGE DE TOTIMMVAR PFNEBITDA { forvalues y=`=`YearN'-4'(1)`YearN' { egen num`x'=rowtotal(n`x'`y') } } foreach x in ROE EBITDAVENDITE ROI TOTFATTVAR LEVERAGE DE TOTIMMVAR PFNEBITDA { forvalues y=`=`YearN'-4'(1)`YearN' { egen den`x'=rowtotal(p`x'`y') } } variable numROE already defined r(110);
I specify that I have never used that name before, so the variable was not created before the loop.
I can't fix this error.
Thank you for your constant support and I apologize for the many questions I ask in this forum.
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