Hi Everyone,
First time Stata user and statistics imposter. I would like to exponentiate the results I have to an odds ratio, risk ratio and risk difference. See my code below, social housing is the binary exposure (treatment) and smoking after five years (binary) the outcome. I get "stuck" on the nlcom. Any advice would be much appreciated!!
***Analysis1(outcome model)(treatment model) average treatment effect in population
teffects ipw (smoke_later) (socialhousing i.hgage hgsex i.inc_tert famtype i.hheduc householdsmok1), ate
tebalance summarize
tebalance overid, nolog
**Analysis2(outcome model)(treatment model) estimate potential-outcome means
teffects ipw (smoke_later) (socialhousing i.hgage hgsex i.inc_tert famtype i.hheduc householdsmok1), pomeans
tebalance summarize
nlcom log(_b[POmeans:1.socialhousing]/ _b[POmeans:0bn.socialhousing])
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