I am using two waves of DHS survey and I need to run a weighted regression of education on age and a dummy variable z. I have set up the weights as follows:

egen N=total(v005)
egen n=total(v005), by(s_year)
* In this case I had 2 surveys
gen wtr=v005*(N/2)/n
egen psu=group(s_year v021)
egen stratar=group(s_year v022)
svyset psu [pw=wtr], strata(stratar) singleunit(centered)
After that, when I run the regression I get incorrect coefficient on dummy variable. The educ variable range from 0 to 20. However, the coefficient on dummy variable is not plausible. Any help to resolve this issue would be much appreciated.
svy: regress educ z yob z_yob
where educ is years of education. z is treatment dummy, and z_yob is the interaction of z and year of birth. The coefficients that I am getting are

Beta_z = -264.59 both the sign and magnitude is implausible here where the correct coefficient should be around 1.34.
Beta_yob = 0.05 which is correct (replication)
Beta z_yob = 0.133 which is also correct (replication)
constant = incorrect but close to correct value.