Hello, Can someone please help me organize this data for analysis of repeated measures? I have 7 datasets I have merged together that are survey data among 2000 participants in 7 waves of data collection. I want to see it in long format and while I have the "i" (beneficiary ID) I don't have a "j" or "time" variable. in wide format, each beneficiary has separate columns labeled by which survey the data came from. "BLdaily wage" is baseline daily wage, "exit daily wage" month6 daily wage, month 12, month 18 and month 24 etc. Since I don't have a single variable to denote the time for the survey wave, I went back to each individual database and added a variable to denote which survey it was (1=baseline, 2=exit survey, 3=6 mo follow up etc) but when I merged them, since they all participated in the baseline, that variable became 1 (for baseline) for every participant-- what would you suggest for how I can ask stata to organize the rows for each beneficiary by survey (1-7)?
Thank you