Hi. I'm using the pc_simulate command to find a sample size that will give me a power of 80%. I want to vary the MDE of the following code to get sample sizes with a power of 80% for MDE 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2. Is there anyway for me to write a loop that will vary the MDE and the N in the following code telling the code to spit out a result when the power=0.8 for each of the MDE? I'd greatly appreciate any help here.

pc_simulate tot_con, model(ANCOVA) mde(0.15) i(performer_id) t(week_num) n(800) bootstrap p(0.5) pre(4) post(16) alpha(0.05) nsim(1000) vce(robust) outfile(provider_week_power.csv) append