I want to estimate a regression (shown below on the table) and fill in the data points of the table but I have been stuck on it and have no idea how. The table refers to predicted probabilities for Situation1 and Situation2. These are predicted probabilities of a child having a college education or higher in two hypothetical families, namely:
  • Situation1: male = 1, kidsnumber = 3, motherseducation = 12, and fatherseducation = 12
  • Situation2: male = 1, kidsnumber = 3, motherseducation = 16, and fatherseducation = 12
Array I made a binary variable that says child_degree, which equals 1 if the child received a college degree or higher, and equals zero otherwise like so:
My other variables are:
tall = 1 if the child is tall and = 0 if child is short
motherseducation : number of years of mothers education
fatherseducation: number of years of mothers education
kidsnumber: number of kids in the familu
male: =1 if child is male

How can i make this table and get the probit, logit, and ols models? im so very confused