Hello everyone,

I'm currently working with an imported .csv dataset containing information about petrol stations. The dataset as the general structure as shown below with uuid being the station's ID and variables for latitude and longitude.

input str36 uuid float(latitude longitude)
"0e18d0d3-ed38-4e7f-a18e-507a78ad901d"  48.1807   11.4609
"ad812258-94e7-473d-aa80-d392f7532218"  50.6951   7.14276
"44e2bdb7-13e3-4156-8576-8326cdd20459" 50.75201  9.279039
"05eeceec-3455-4d21-a365-4c933fe70d08"  51.7746   6.83232
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-577013c04d16" 51.37097  7.137623
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-6a62b4848d20" 50.10315   8.92164
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-83bd58f76d2e" 51.70337  7.830149
"02546df5-713b-4e29-3f4a-cd388f48628b" 51.60102  9.539345
"022c6e51-068e-4acf-a378-80a134829bdb" 49.99616   7.68382
"006a97b3-87fc-4c2c-be88-20f5d4f2998a" 48.70679  9.027986
"3842c9dd-3482-4c77-9b88-804c3964fb19" 53.69247 10.322486
"77c4cc3c-ae11-43c4-85cc-5c147409b46f" 48.70284  9.661701
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-bbebd259ad4e" 53.46238   9.69543
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-b1f2295f6d45" 51.17775  7.210321
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-a98f663acd43" 51.22141  7.632435
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-a0f3b8f98d3e" 52.62795  9.222586
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-9c6b14bcad3c" 50.79325  6.470688
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-94b400fecd38" 53.85114 10.120826
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-6753d9128d1f" 53.93278 10.310417
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-92a737c6ad35" 50.79374   7.16603
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-89b6606d4d30" 51.27853  7.163192
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-84bb25bd4d2e" 52.26924  8.122592
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-76ede66f8d25" 51.34487  6.615799
"005056ba-7cb6-1ed2-bceb-624c2b586d1d" 54.12927  10.57951
When I tried to generate a new variable containing the number of stations in a certain radius surrounding station i, I realized that longitude and latitude where not unique. When I then checked for duplicates using duplicates list latitude longitude. I indeed found duplicates. However, after further browsing the data and this forum, I suspect that a large part of these duplicates is due to the float format of the variables.

What is the best practice here? Can I simply convert the float to e.g. a double?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
Benedikt Franz