Hello everyone,

I am trying to estimate a treatment effect model using the Heckman's sample selection model.
Here is my code:
treatreg depressed debt_other healthgl_dum limit_work_10 Inc_10_cpi debt_Inc_V debt_educ_limit grad_cont married work_2010 insured_dum female age black BA_dum rural child_under_2010,treat (debt_educ_dum= Neg_paren_W healthgl_dum97 disable_97 paren_health_dum paren_Inc_dum tuition_ch private for-private)

When I run the regression it gives the following errors: "variables out of order r(111)"

I have double checked the order of Heckman selection model and the way I ordered my variables seems to be right.

Please, can anyone help me understand what is wrong with my code?

Thank you so much.