Good Afternoon,
I am an Economics student and I am using STATA for a group project where we are analyzing firearms background checks as a proxy for gun sales, the state crime rates regarding violent crimes for Colorado, Texas and New Jersey, we are also analyzing income.

We have our equations as follows:

Gun Sales = ^pie,0 + ^pie1, sunshine, which is our two stage least squares.

Crime Rate = Bo+(B1) Gun Sales + (B2) Income + (B3) Race + (B4) Age + (B5) Gender + μ, which is our instrumental variable regression.

We have three data sets that downloaded into excel, transposed and then turned into CSV.

We are trying to determine if our data needs to be reshaped in STATA and what variables need to be generated and what commands need to be used.

Thus far we have:

set more off
insheet using FBC.csv

set more off
insheet using SCR.csv

set more off
insheet using income.csv

This is a link to the CSV files.

We are trying to determine if the data needs reshaped and what variables will need to be generated in order to run summaries, regressions and create line and/or scatter plots.