I would like to know if it is possible to obtain the current timezone (offset in hours/minutes) of the machine where Stata is running.

This has been asked before, but without a straightforward solution, see for example:
- https://www.stata.com/statalist/arch.../msg00758.html
- https://www.stata.com/statalist/arch.../msg00413.html

I understand that I can do the following on Windows command line by:
- running tzutil /g, then capturing and parsing the output, and deducing the offset from the reported timezone name.
- running systeminfo | find "Time Zone" , which is way, way, way, waaaay slower, but gives a reliable offset in hours, not just the timezone name.

Clearly, I would prefer a platform-independent standard solution, which would be fast and gives me directly something like "+02:00", possibly with further information on the daylight saving, timezone name, and other attributes...

Are there any additional options for Stata 17 perhaps?

Thank you, Sergiy Radyakin