Dear Stata Developers,

Code folding in the do-editor is wonderful. I love it.
But it has a minor issue, which is still rather annoying:
The fold lines rendered in the editor coincide precisely with the underscore characters, eliminating them from the text.

Below I include two screenshots, one indicating how the text is visible, the other highlighting the unreadable underscore characters.

I fully realize that this could be resulting from a particular combination of the platform (Windows), font (Courier New), resolution (1920x1080) and perhaps some other less obvious factors. Still, I believe that this is easily avoidable, by styling the fold lines to be of different color, pattern (dashed or dotted, rather than solid) and most importantly drawing the fold lines under the text, so that the text should overlay the lines, or perhaps offsetting the fold lines relative to the text lines.



Another approach could be to stylize the folds differently, to avoid rendering the fold lines all together, similar to how Microsoft's Visual Studio is doing this:

PS: it is a whole other discussion whether it is a good idea to include underscore characters in the names of the programs, whether some_function or someFunction is better, but at least for the convention where the procedure is marked as internal (_somefunction) this would be useful.

As a completely separate wish, I'd like to have a fold mode where the first comment-block (a single /* */ comment or a sequence of // comments) in the folded code remains visible (lines 45-47 in the first screenshot). This is because I find it a little bit more convenient when the comment explaining the purpose and parameters is inside the program that it explains, rather than outside (which is the current possibility). This could play as an auto-doc feature for complex ado-files.

Thank you,
Sergiy Radyakin