I'm running four cox models assessing the effect of interactions between different types of social support (Informational, Emotional, Financial, and Physical) and sex, on mortality. In addition to exporting specific terms from the models to a table, I was hoping to add additional scalars from testparm (chi2 and p value) functions to the table as well. However, I can't seem to get the added scalars to show up in the exported table. The code below seems to run fine, but no actual scalars show up in the table. Unfortunately, it seems as though the data I'm using exceeds the dataex command limits so I'm unable to share an example of the data.
Does anyone know how I would be able to attach the testparm scalars to the esttab table?
eststo clear // INFORMATIONAL eststo, title("Informational"): quietly stcox Informational_Male Informational_Female $INFORMATIONAL quietly stcox c.Informational#Male $INFORMATIONAL testparm i.Male#c.Informational, equal estadd scalar Chi2 = r(chi2) estadd scalar P = r(p) // EMOTIONAL eststo, title("Emotional"): quietly stcox Emotional_Male Emotional_Female $EMOTIONAL quietly stcox c.Emotional#Male $EMOTIONAL testparm i.Male#c.Emotional, equal estadd scalar Chi2 = r(chi2) estadd scalar P = r(p) // FINANCIAL eststo, title("Financial"): quietly stcox Financial_Male Financial_Female $FINANCIAL quietly stcox c.Financial#Male $FINANCIAL testparm i.Male#c.Financial, equal estadd scalar Chi2 = r(chi2) estadd scalar P = r(p) // PHYSICAL eststo, title("Physical"): quietly stcox Physical_Male Physical_Female $PHYSICAL quietly stcox c.Physical#Male $PHYSICAL testparm i.Male#c.Physical, equal estadd scalar Chi2 = r(chi2) estadd scalar P = r(p) esttab /*using "Table 5 - Cox Regressions, Sex Interaction.rtf"*/, wide b(2) ci(2) stats(Chi2 P) eform modelwidth(25) /// nonumbers noobs mtitles("Informational" "Emotional" "Financial" "Physical") /// title(Table 3 - Cox Regressions, Social Support Interaction W/ Sex) varwidth(35) label interaction(" x ") star compress onecell nogaps /// addnotes(N for all models is 4907) /// keep(Informational_Male Informational_Female Male /// Emotional_Male Emotional_Female Male /// Financial_Male Financial_Female Male /// Physical_Male Physical_Female Male) replace eststo clear Table 3 - Cox Regressions, Social Support Interaction W/ Sex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Informational Emotional Financial Physical ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Informational_Male 1.04 [0.93,1.17] Informational_Female 1.13 [1.00,1.29] Sex (Male) 2.09*** [1.68,2.60] 1.97*** [1.59,2.44] 1.96*** [1.59,2.43] 2.03*** [1.64,2.52] Emotional_Male 1.04 [0.93,1.17] Emotional_Female 1.13 [0.99,1.29] Financial_Male 1.04 [0.93,1.16] Financial_Female 1.13 [0.99,1.29] Physical_Male 1.04 [0.93,1.17] Physical_Female 1.12 [0.98,1.27] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chi2 P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exponentiated coefficients; 95% confidence intervals in brackets N for all models is 4907 * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
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